Mitsubishi Motors Australia Website

Mitsubishi Motors Australia Website

Agency: Clemenger BBDO/Proximity
Role: Creative Lead

Down under redesign

Trekked across the globe to beautiful Sydney Australia to help Clemenger BBDO and Clemenger Proximity save the Mitsubishi Motors Australia digital account, which had gone into review. Led a creative team through the process of pitching a redesign for the site, and once we won the pitch (naturally), the fun really began. 

I led a team of art directors, designers, and developers in the rest of the design and production process of a large-scale fully CMS'ed automotive website with all the bells and whistles, and racked up many many frequent flyers by flying to Mitsubishi headquarters every week for weekly creative reviews and client education sessions. A major task, considering they hadn't touched their website since the era of the blink tag.