Toyota RAV4 Launch

Toyota RAV4 Launch

Agency: Saatchi + Saatchi LA
Role: Art Direction

Bullet Time

Action speaks louder than words

How do you convince people that Toyota's new RAV4 is no longer a "chick-car" or "Barbie-Truck", but has grown up to be a good looking SUV with both performance and utility in spades? Deeds, not words. indeed.

In one week (and in a 60 mile radius), we put the RAV4 through spring, summer, winter, and fall, not to mention uphill passing maneuvers, urban accident avoidance, snow, and last but not least, a day of furninshing a mid-century modernist domicile. Christian Weber and REEL EFX captured all of this action with a 60-camera array, freezing 4 distinct moments in time where we see the RAV4 handling anything without breaking a sweat.